Retirement: The Two Biggest Mistakes People Make

Retirement plans are made over the course of decades. However, with this benefit of time, it is still easy to make costly errors. As retirement fast approaches, thoughts turn from worrying about the intense workload to survival after retirement, especially with lack of a stable monthly income. Poor financial choices and planning are some of the things that lead to depression as the retirement days draw nearer.

Therefore, everybody headed for retirement needs to think of the following;

  • Do you have knowledge of your 401(k),IRA, health cover, and other accounts?
  • How much money have you set aside for your retirement?
  • Do you know everything about your pension plan?

Once you answer them you can easily determine whether you are on the right track as you step into your golden years. Below are some common retirement mistakes that people make and how to avoid them.

Missing Out on Planning for a Long Term Chronic Diseases 

You are  living in a bubble if you think you will always have a normal life after retirement. It’s important to be prepared in case of unfortunate circumstances. Long term care will come in handy when you need assistance with basic things such as bathing, eating and dressing or if you cannot live alone due to an impairment caused by the chronic disease or old age.

Anticipate for such conditions and plan ahead for them. In most cases the need to be in a nursing home may not arise but what if you need maximum care and attention at home. You do not want to keep calling and tying down your kids as they are chasing their dreams. Hence you will need to hire a nurse or  a health care worker. Most workers offering Long term home care charge monthly for their services. Also, keep in mind that the sequence of return risk can cost you on your early years of returns. As you wait to cash in from your assets the market trends may shift and that may leave you with a nest egg that cannot sustain your golden days.

Noteworthy, look for reliable insurance policies to cover all angles in case you fall il,l there are a lot of options to choose from for long-term care such as lifetime insurance, annuities, reverse mortgages, trusts and much more. Thus, as you approach the retirement age put your health in mind as you plan on toasting to the end of a successful career.

Failing to Plan for a Consistent Income

retirementApart from missing friends, work vacations and being busy, everyday retirees definitely miss the monthly paychecks. Using up one month’s income as you wait for the next month’s salary is a behavior we tend to develop when we are employed. But after retirement you are not guaranteed of a paycheck at the end of every month.

In the past centuries, to celebrate years of service of a loyal employee, one would be given a gold watch and even better a pension plan which meant that there is a stable income even after retirement. However, with the shaky economy, most employers have gotten rid of the pension option. So currently employees have to come up with the best retirement plan that will make them comfortable during their retirement.

Employers have come up with accounts such as 401(k) where employees contribute to their pension account from their salaries before tax. Hence, the more you contribute to your account, the more you are guaranteed of a permanent income after retirement. Besides, if you do not have formal employment or you are self-employed, you can opt for IRA, going solo on the 401(k), or taking up universal insurance.

Treasury bills, bonds and the stock market are some of the best ways to invest and harvest your retirement money, but if at some point the market trends do not favor you, you will need a great fall back plan. So, invest your money wisely so that you do not desperately miss those office paychecks or live in regret.

Final Take

For what it’s worth, plan ahead since you do not have the benefit of knowing what the future holds. Therefore you need to plan ahead and plan smart to avoid making such common mistakes.